ICAO Portal Access Instructions
Procedure 1: If you already have an account with the ICAO Secure Portal:
1. Log on to https://portal.icao.int with your secure site login credentials.
2. Click on the PROFILE link on the left-hand menu.
3. A new window pops up; click on GROUP SUBSCRIBE on the left-hand menu.
4. On the TO SUBSCRIBE screen, enter the group name in the first field and the justification for your request in the second field.
5. Click the SUBMIT CHANGES button.
After these steps are completed and the request reviewed, you will receive an email confirmation that you have been granted or denied access to the group in question.
Procedure 2: If you do NOT already have an account with the ICAO Secure Portal:
1. Access the ICAO Portal at the following link: https://portal.icao.int.
2. Since you do NOT have a Portal username/password, click the REQUEST AN ACCOUNT option.
3. Click the OK button on the pop-up message to indicate this is your first Portal account. In the pop-up window, enter the group name (all caps and no spaces).
4. Click the OK button.
5. Enter the necessary information in the New User Account Application form.
6. Click the SUBMIT REQUEST button.
After these steps are completed and the request reviewed, you will receive an email confirmation that you have been granted or denied access to the group in question. (if granted, the email will include your username and password).
Please type icao\ in front of your user name to login. ex: icao\jdoe